Eaglerise Farm Operations


At Eaglerise Farm, we integrate multi-enterprises into our farming system. This diversity makes us resilient during tough times, such as drought. By now, you have worked through our Eaglerise Farm Philosophies, follow these links to read about how each enterprise is incorporated into our philosophies and learn how we structure them within the ecosystem. We emulate the concepts and principles of agroecology, regenerative agriculture, permaculture and organic farming within these diversified enterprises.

When you follow some of these links, you will read about our other farm operations and see some of the detail that has come out of the patterns that we have identified. 

What are Dexter cattle?

What are the advantages of Dexter cattle?

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How productive are honey bees?

How many bee hives do you need?

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Market Garden

How do we grow vegetables in our climate?

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What chickens do you select?

What colour is best?

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What's the difference between soil and dirt?

What is Eaglerise Farm soil like?

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Is it really a weed??

What is a weed anyway?

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What grapes are suitable for hot climates?

What is Zinfandel like?

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Eaglerise Farm Water

How do we get water to all the livestock?
How do we build swales?

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What are wood lots for?

What trees are growing?

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Why sell at Farmers' markets?

Are there different styles of markets?

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What are Dorper sheep?

Why would anyone want to grow Dorpers?

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Eaglerise Farm Straw-bale House

How good is straw-bale construction?

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What is pastured pork?

What breed suits Eaglerise Farm?

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Biodiversity at Eaglerise Farm

How do we design for wildlife?

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Are olives easy to grow?

What is the difference between table and oil olives?

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Fruit Trees

Why don’t we call it an orchard?

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Eaglerise Farmhouse Skills

How sustainable can your kitchen be?

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Eaglerise Farm Accommodation

What styles of accommodation are available?

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