Eaglerise Farm Presentation Protocol
Gerard’s Presentation Protocol
- To secure Gerard as a speaker, regardless of venue (non-profit, community group, sustainable/regenerative agriculture, association) please contact (email)
- Appeals may be made by contacting Eaglerise Farm directly through email or by phone (+61 438293393).
- The daily stipend is the same whether it is a 30-minute presentation or an all-day seminar.
- Expenses include travel, meals, accommodation, and parking fees.
- We reserve the right to negotiate concessions to these terms per our discretion.
- Gerard established Eaglerise and developed the early design aspects
Allysa’s Presentation Protocol
- To secure Allysa as a speaker, regardless of venue (non-profit, community group, urban food activism, corporation, association) please contact (email)
- Appeals may be made by contacting Eaglerise Farm directly through email or by phone (+61 438293393).
- The daily stipend is the same whether it is a 30-minute presentation or an all-day seminar.
- Expenses include travel, meals, accommodation, and parking fees.
- We reserve the right to negotiate concessions to these terms per our discretion.
- Allysa has been instrumental in the later design aspects. She manages the Market Garden and the Eaglerise Farmhouse skills